Sponsor Report 2015

Greetings Sponsors,Recently my husband Vic and I ventured to Bali for a bit of R&R and to catch up with the AAS Bali committee and coordinators.   We are always amazed at the commitment of our volunteer crew in Bali and would like to share some of those happenings with you.There was a casual get together at Wayan Tur’s house (AAS Bali Vice President) for his birthday on the 9th August and several coordinators, associated Principals and friends joined the festivities.

AAS2 AAS1                        We visited SD2 Kutuh and met again with the sponsored children. Oka Darmaja is the new coordinator for this school (as well as SD7 Benoa where he teaches) and has replaced Putu Warasini who was promoted and transferred. Many thanks to Lucy Sawkins and family and Levi’s Gift Foundation for the donation of funds to instal a new computer and wifi system at the school. The new Principal Gede Rina is very pleased to continue the association with AAS and proud to announce that SDKutuh was the Bali winner of the Library Competition. The new Homework Club has commenced at SD2 Kutuh to assist the children whose parents are illiterate. We also visited SMPN4 Kuta Selatan and were very surprised at the amount of additions and renovations made to accommodate the huge influx of children to the school. This school, new 6 years ago, has had some wonderful achievements in a short time.

AAS2A AAS1A                             Meeting the sponsored students                  Oka Darmaja and the new Principal Gede Rina

We ventured to Pandek Gede to visit Dharma Ambesa and his family, accompanied by Brian and Sue Appleyard, long time sponsors, where we met with many of the new sponsorship children and their Mothers. We also met the Principal of the school where many of our new sponsored children attend, Mr Gede Sudama.

AAS5A AAS6A Yeriel Ambesa adopted Brian                          Made Rama Ayoda and Roneo with Mum


Therezia, Carla, Andrew and Darma

One evening we had a lovely meal at the house of Ketut Sarmiasih (Yuni, the AAS Secretary) and Ketut Iga where Sue and Brian Appleyard met with Muftahul Jannah, the girl they have sponsored since elementary school and has recently graduated from Senior High School. Miftahul is now studying Business at University. Gayus (Denpasar Coordinator) joined us with his wife and two lovely children. Jati (coordinator) her husband Ketut, son Donny and new baby Mashya also joined us. Congratulations Jati and Ketut on Mashya’s safe arrival. While we were talking, we heard music coming down the gang and it was a man riding a bike, with cars at the front for the children to have a ride. It was Rp1,000 for a ride. (10cents). The kids loved AAS9 AAS8A

Sue and Miftahul                                                 Jati and family


Children’s fun ride Bali style

Gayus is the recipient of the Milner International College of English Scholarship and will arrive in Perth on the 9th October for five weeks at Milner and then one week at Endeavour Primary School, which is the sister school to SD24 Pemecutan where Gayus is the English Teacher. He returns to Bali on 21st November.

AAS11 AAS12Gayus with his children                                                   Gayus and family going home

Sunday saw us off to Negara to deliver a bike to a very excited Iluh Putu Listia Dewi, who lives with an older brother since her parents both passed away. She will need to ride about 7kms each way to Junior High School soon. Iluh kept saying, “But it is new”.   A big thank you to Mrs Rennick for the donation of the bike for Iluh. Thank you to Ketut Iga for sourcing, purchasing and delivering the bike and to coordinator, Gede Sudarmadiasa for the lovely morning tea with his Mum and Dad and Vic’s soccer game with his boys.


Ketut Iga, Ni Luh and Gede Sudarmadiasa                   Trying the bike  


Soccer in progress

Monday 17th August was Independence Day in Indonesia. Red and white flags adorn houses, buildings and streets. There are ‘Flag Ceremonies’ at all the schools, most businesses and Government Departments. School children practise marching and drills for some weeks before the day. Vic and I attended the ceremony at the Risata Hotel. It was presented and attended by many of the staff. Children of staff who had attained a ranking of 1, 2 or 3 at school in the end of year exams were invited to join the ceremony, at which they were presented by the CEO, Antik Mugianto, with a monetary award, books and a new school bag before enjoying a breakfast with their parents.

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The Flag Ceremony                                         Awards for the children

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We visited SMP4 Kediri to present the ‘Anne Rennick Scholarship for six years of high school to Ni Komang Tri Citradewi and caught up with Ni Kadek Dian Saraswati, recipient of last years ‘Grattan Scholarship and the other sponsored children. Thanks to Alit Widia for making the arrangements and to the new coordinator at SMPN4 Kediri, Wayan Sekarini for her assistance.

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Komang receiving her certificate                 Dian, Principal and Komang AAS18

Happy and vocal students

Next it was on to SDN4 Kaba Kaba where we inspected the ‘Aveley English Centre’ and met with the Principal and staff, after which we moved to SDN1 Kaba Kaba. Both these schools provided a digital record of AAS coordinators and parents and children’s visits from their sister schools. Again we met the sponsored children. It is wonderful to see them looking healthy and to hear they are achieving well at school.

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SDN4 Kaba Kaba    Children’s welcome at SDN1 Kaba Kaba  Thanks for a delicious lunch

We were able to deliver new school clothes, (hats, shorts, Tshirts, skirts, skorts) donated by Morley Primary School to be distributed to local schools and families. Thank you Alit and Made for facilitating all of this and for the lovely cake and afternoon tea. A big ‘Thank You’ to Morley Primary School. I understand that some of the larger wide brimmed hats have been donated to the Senior Citizens Club for use on their Friday aerobics sessions. Alit Widia is involved in the Senior Citizens Club, which is currently endeavouring to raise funds to take the Senior’s on a bus trip to visit some of their Traditional Temples.

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On the way to Lovina we caught up with Ketut, the Principal of SD3 Rianggede and his wife Tini. They had a most enjoyable visit to their sister school, Riverside Educational Support Centre in Mandurah in June. Thank you to the staff and Principal Jim Douglas, who ensured the visit was informative, relaxed and so enjoyable for the visitors from Bali. It will long be remembered. Again, another delicious lunch.

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 Ketut, Vic, Tini, Sherryn, Della (Bali Hearts) Wayan   Tini, the provider of a delicious lunch

Once we arrived in the North of the island we visited the Singaraja Hospital. Komang Budi’s wife, Komang, who assists him both for his needs and in the business, had a stroke a week before and her right side has been compromised. Signs of partial recovery were evident. She had some movement in her right hand, she could speak a little but her leg was still paralysed.   The next day we visited Budi at home and he was hard at work with members of his family assisting to complete a consignment for delivery the next day. It will be some time before the extent of Komang’s disability is known but Budi’s family said they would all help. Budi, with assistance, was tie dying and painting traditional patterns on sarongs and intended to work through the night to have the consignment ready on time.

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Family visiting Komang in hospital           Budi handpainting traditional pattern3aas Family assisting

On the way cutting across from Rianggede to Baturiti, we fortunately took a wrong turn and saw this.

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We met up with Leonie, the daughter of one of our other sponsors and visited the student Hendra and his mother, at Ketut and Yuni’s house once more. Yuni had purchased shoes, socks, bag, telephone, dictionary and thongs with Hendra on behalf of his sponsor. Another delicious meal. It was a very happy occasion.

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purchases     Ibu Hendra and Hendra Putra     Soto Ayam dan nasi puti 

We went to Marga and with our coordinator, Ketut Widana visited the home of one of Mrs Beeson’s sponsored children. Nandi is unable to walk and relies on his wheelchair or moves around on his hands and knees. Nandi’s sister, Nadya is also sponsored and the two children are very close siblings. They live with Mum, Granma and an older sister. Nandi was 9 years old before he was able to go to school so is a little behind in his schooling. Hopefully he will commence at an SMP (Special School) in the near future.

9 aas 10aas 11aas Nandi welcomes us                                 Nandi and Nadya       Us with Mum, Nandi, Yuni, Ketut Widana, Nadya

On the way back we stopped to catch up with Sri Agustini, the AAS Treasurer. Sri is expecting her third baby and works full time in the Education Department as well as being a volunteer with AAS. How does she do it all? We saw different things on the way back.

12aas 13aas 14aas     With Budi, Sri and son Dika                   A lovely, tree lined non-busy road                         Grass for the cows

In addition we met with Coordinators Anief Arzuani Adhar (Pecatu), Wayan Suadra (Baturiti), Agung Sumanadi (Pelaga and Petang), Agung Putra (Mas, Ubud). Thank you all for the hard work you contribute to make AAS such a success in Bali.

We ran into Made Wijana at the Bedugal markets. Made visited Perth with one of the Principals study tours some years ago. We visited Stikes Nursing Academy and the Dwi Jendra University in Denpasar. This campus caters for children from Kindergarten, Elementary, Junior High, Senior High and University. The five Faculties in University are Education, Law, Agriculture, Business and Religion. Staff at the University has produced a computer programme to add to ‘Fonts’ on the computer. It converts other languages to Balinese (not Indonesian) written language. It looks very much like Sanskrit and is very difficult to learn. We were given a demonstration and a DVD programme to ‘have a go’. This is a non-smoking campus and signs warn of huge fines if anyone is caught smoking – that is all staff and students alike.

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Balinese writing demonstration           NO SMOKING fine warning sign                         Participants at the meeting

We were able to catch up with sponsors from Victoria who were in Bali and will visit their sponsored children in the next week or so. Have a good time Lyn, Gary, Eric, Bianca and Helen. Of course we had the odd swim in our pool and the water is much cooller and enjoyable than in February when it is so warm.

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Coordinator Suadra by the pool                             The Risata Pool                                 Sponsors having a chat with friends

Thanks to the Risata Resort for the counter collection on behalf of AAS. The donations this year will ensure another elementary child has funding.

August 19th saw us enjoy dinner with Ketut, Yuni,and their children Vicky and Adinda, Wayan Tur and his wife Julie and Gede Sudarmadiasa at the Bale Udang Restaurant. Not only did we enjoy a wonderful meal but had much fun and laughter. Many thanks to my friends and to Gede for the lovely Black Forest cake.

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The eating huts around the pond     Julie feeding the fish   A veritabale feast

 One of the last meetings we had was as SMAN1 Kuta where discussions were held about the students study tour for Harmony Week in March 2016. Nyoman Yasa the Principal has confirmed the group will visit and part of their programme will be to attend school for two days at Belmont City College. The students will visit tourist attractions such as Whiteman Park and Fremantle SMAN1 Kuta will host a group of West Australian Scouts in November.

We returned to Perth at the end of August confident about the future of AAS in Bali due to the commitment of the coordinators and committee. Thank you to all the schools and sponsors who make this programme so viable. It is very rewarding to see children graduate from High School and University knowing that without financial support the majority of them would not have completed elementary school.

Kind regards,

Sherryn Reid,

Sponsorship Coordinator, AAS