
  1. To actively support the development of friendship and cultural understanding between schools and their communities in Bali and WA.
  2. To provide opportunities to schools to work collaboratively in ways which are mutually beneficial.
  3. To facilitate active engagement between member schools to nurture the development of personalised relationships which will build stronger partnerships.
  4. To provide an avenue for students to practice active citizenship.
  5. To provide educational sponsorship for needy students.
  6. To actively support education of girls eg: through scholarships and sponsorships.
  7. To provide opportunities for the acquisition of English language skills for Balinese students and educators.
  8. To facilitate professional learning for Balinese educators.

Our aims support the United Nations End Poverty by 2015 Millennium Development Goals, in particular their goal 2 to:

Achieve universal primary education.

Ensure that all boys and girls complete a full course of primary education.

Suci at Mt Hawthorn PS Sept-Oct 2010

Sherryn and Arif at MIN